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Regulatory investigation of the four major risks of factoring "factoring + Internet finance" model in the column

Release date: 2017-08-21

Following the cooperation of Internet financial exchanges, the model of mutual financial cooperation between factoring based assets and online loans may also come to an end。

On the evening of July 28, the 21st Century Business Herald reporter exclusively learned that the Ministry of Commerce recently issued a letter asking for the relevant work of commercial factoring risk prevention, focusing on the four abnormal business behaviors of commercial factoring companies。

Among them, the first is that commercial factoring companies conduct financing through Internet financial enterprises such as online lending platforms, and the financing scale is large, especially the affiliated companies operate online lending platforms at the same time。

A person in charge of a factoring company in South China said that factoring financing through online loans is factoring as an asset side and financing through the issuance of financial products by Internet finance companies。The new regulation has an impact on factoring companies。

The 21st Century Business Herald reporter's investigation found that since 2014, the cooperation between factoring and P2P online lending platforms has been carried out, with the purpose of providing new financing channels for factoring business。

此外,Other anomalies that the regulator has asked to focus on include the extraordinary growth in the size of the business over a short period of time,The proportion of risk assets and overdue ratio are too high;To families or individuals, local governments or their platform companies,Real estate enterprises take large amounts of receivables;Take on a large number of future receivables and undertake a huge repayment guarantee responsibility。

The 21st Century Business Herald reporter learned that local factoring associations in Guangdong and other places have successively issued documents to carry out self-examination and self-correction of commercial factoring risks。In addition to the above four abnormal behaviors, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen Commercial Factoring Association require factoring enterprises to self-check fictitious accounts receivable financing and provide factoring financing for accounts receivable financing based on illegal and untrue basic trade contracts, consignment contracts, overdue accounts receivable, etc。

Factoring companies are mainly concentrated in Shenzhen。According to the data of the Commercial Factoring Committee of the China Association of Trade in Services, as of the end of 2016, the number of registered commercial factoring companies in China was 5,584 (excluding the number of cancelled and revoked enterprises), of which 4,051 in Shenzhen, 430 in Tianjin and 422 in Shanghai occupied the top three respectively。

The "China Commercial Factoring Industry Development Report 2016" released in March this year estimated that in 2016, China's commercial factoring business volume exceeded 500 billion yuan, financing exceeded 100 billion yuan, and more than 100,000 small and medium-sized enterprises were served。It is expected that by the end of 2017, the volume of commercial factoring business is expected to reach 800 billion yuan, and it will reach a trillion scale by the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan。